5 windshield hacks every car owner should know

The windshield is one of the most important components of the car which shouldn’t be taken lightly. It protects the driver as well as the passengers from flying debris, heavy wind, varying temperatures as well as bugs while giving the driver a clear view of the path. This makes maintaining windshield in prime condition is an absolute necessity for each and every car owner. You can use these simple-but-genius hacks to keep your windshield in top-notch condition.

Remove stickers and their residue from your car windshield
Peeling off a car sticker or a parking permit always leaves a gummy mess behind which is hard to clean off but there’s a nifty windshield hack that will make cleaning it a child’s play. All you need to do is wet a newspaper in warm water and then place it over the sticky area and let it rest on top of the sticky surface for 10 to 15 minutes. After that wipe the surface gently with a microfibre cloth to easily remove the newspaper bits without scratching your windshield.
Repair small scratches and cracks on your windshield
Get your small hit marks & chips repaired on time. Most hit marks if attended on time do not require car glass replacement
Protect your car windshield from ice buildup
If you live in a snowy area or visiting one with no closed parking space but don’t want ice to buildup on your car windshield then this car windshield hack is for you. This simple hack requires you to place two bath towels across your car windshield and wrap your windshield wipers with a plastic bag or towel. When it’s time to drive, all you need to do is remove the wrappings and you are good to go. You can also wrap your side view mirrors to prevent ice buildup on them.
Easily remove ice from your car windshield
In case you don’t have a towel handy or forgot to use the above hack, you can still easily remove ice from the car windshield thanks to this method. This windshield hack requires a spray bottle, some vinegar and a little water. Mix 1 or 2 spoonfuls of vinegar with water in the spray bottle and spray it all over the frozen windshield. Now leave it for a minute or two and see the magic of the fluid as ice begins to melt.
Protect your car windshield from scratches
When you are behind the wheel, there’s nothing more important than clear visibility. This makes it all the more important to take care of your windshield wipers otherwise they will leave your car windshield riddled with scratches. Ensure a dust free microfiber cloth is used to wipe the glass clean.The rubber of the wiper blades should be changed before it hardens.Replacement of wiper blades after every windshield change & before the onset of monsoons is highly recommended.This in turn will help keep your windshield clean during rain or snow.
Now that you know about these nifty windshield hacks, it is time you start applying them to your daily life and keep your car’s windshield in tip-top condition and that too without spending a fortune.
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