The Effects of Temperature on a Windshield


By  AIS Windshield Experts

Category:  Car Windshield

Both hot and cold weather play an important role defining the condition of your car’s windshield. If you’re driving along longer routes in harsh weather conditions, your windshield can get impacted along the ride. Temperature related cracks are all too common these days, where weather conditions lead to unprecedented expansion and contraction of the glass. Windshield repair becomes the only solution in these cases, as smaller chips and cracks can evolve into larger ones. While temperature itself may not be the sole cause of the cracks, it can be an attributable factor to existing conditions. Layer deteriorations, cracks and splits can become significantly worse when weather comes into play.

windshield Crack Repair How does weather induce damage? It’s not really the weather that is the cause of damage or impairment. It’s the rapid change in temperature that can compromise the integrity of the glass. Quick expansions and contractions can add more pressure to the glass itself, leading it to break under severe conditions. Add to that the air-conditioning inside the car, the glass has to face differential temperature for extended periods of time. Manage weather conditions for glass safety It’s important to manage weather conditions as much as possible. When it’s too hot outside, make sure that you’ve covered your car. When it’s too cold, you should make sure that you’ve parked your car in a garage or under covered areas. You also need to manage internal temperature conditions when you enter the car. Don’t switch the AC on to cool rapidly, as that sudden change in internal temperature may affect the glass’ structural integrity. You should gently switch the car’s cooling system to change room temperature. Limiting exposure to weather conditions You should make sure that you conduct windshield crack repair to allow you to drive effortlessly in extreme conditions. Ideally, you should also make sure that you’ve parked your car under shade, or inside a building’s compound rather than on the street. You should also ensure that you replace the rubber on the windshield wiper as older ones can scratch the surface of the glass when used repeatedly. Regular maintenance and upkeep If temperatures are too cold, maintenance and upkeep become an important part of the process. If you find that ice has collected on your windshield, you may need specialized tools to remove the layer. You shouldn’t use a knife or a shovel to do the job. For hotter conditions, ensure that you’re washing your car regularly so that you can cool off the windshield regularly. The effects of temperature changes can be severe if left unchecked for long durations of time.

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