When Is Windshield Replacement Necessary?
Sure, you love your vehicle but are you taking care of its number one safety feature – the windshield? After all, this fixed front window of your car serves as a layer of protection from unwanted environmental elements. It also prevents you from being ejected out of your vehicle in the unfortunate event of an accident.
What makes a windshield so strong? Unlike the other windows of your car that are made from a single layer tempered glass, a windshield is made up of two glass panes with a special interlayer of PVB sandwiched in between. Therefore, even when the windscreen deals with impact, it does not shatter. The PVB layer holds the two panes firmly in place.
There was a time when even the slightest of cracks on a windshield meant getting it replaced immediately. However, modern windshields are pretty tough and award the car owner enough time for replacement even after developing cracks. So, how do you decide the right time for windshield car replacement? Read on to find out.
The Location of the Crack
If the crack is sitting directly in the driver’s line-of-sight, an immediate windshield car replacement is necessary. Repairing chips that compromise the driver’s vision is futile as the view of the road ahead will continue to be blurry. Additionally, damages located at the edge of the windscreen tend to spread fast, thus weakening the overall structural integrity of the window.
Where repair of a chip is possible, all cracks demand windshield replacement. This is because cracks tend to compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle significantly. So, if you notice a deep gash or multiple small cracks on the corner of your front window, wheel it into the service centre of a reliable windshield service provider for replacement.
The Extent of the Damage
On an average, even among chips, those with a diameter of less than 40mm can be easily repaired. Anything beyond that warrants a replacement. All cracks, on the other hand, warrant a complete windshield car replacement.
If your windscreen has a large chip or crack, it will temporarily hold the structure together, but not for long. Another minor incident will be enough to completely shatter the screen, causing severe damage, especially to the people on the front seat. Therefore, if you notice a chip or crack regardless of how deep or long, you must wheel the vehicle into a reliable service centre for a repair or replacement, as required.
The Number of Chips
A simple rule of thumb you should apply here is that if your windscreen has any more than two minor chips or it has even one deep crack, opt for windshield car replacement at the earliest! Furthermore, if your vehicle was involved in a major collision and was hit by a big object, a replacement is strongly recommended even if the windshield seems intact or has developed a few minor chips.
Why? Because a significant impact always weakens the windshield glass and the supporting frame, even if not visible at first. If you can see multiple cracks or chips on your windscreen, don’t wait around for another impact to shatter the structure altogether.
Winter Damage
You may be unable to notice it but, harsh and long winters wreak havoc on your car’s windscreen. Snow, hail, etc. are all damaging in their own way. And, when it is frigid outside, people are likely to crank up the heat inside the cabin. Doing this causes extreme temperature differential between the inner and outer layer of your front window, which causes it to expand and contract continuously.
Moreover, a quick change in temperature can also crack your windshield. However, you can take precautions by parking your vehicle inside a warm and dry garage during said cold months to extend the longevity of its windshield. But, more often than not, at the end of the winter season, you may notice that your windscreen is not as clear as it used to be. If such a thing happens with your vehicle, have it checked by a trusted windshield car replacement service provider as you might need a replacement.
A Gaping Hole
This reason may seem obvious, but it’s worth mentioning. If you notice a small hole in your windshield, an immediate replacement is the only option. Why? Even a tiny hole is capable of severely compromising the integrity of your vehicle.
A tiny hole is also enough to allow smaller rocks, bugs, dust, and debris to fly into your eyes while driving, especially if the gap is anywhere near your line-of-sight. Also, do not push a windshield car replacement in such a case down to the wire, as even a small nudge can end up shattering your front window to bits.
Repairs Didn’t Work
Perhaps you already got your windshield repaired, but the structure is still letting moisture inside the vehicle or distorting the driver’s vision. In such cases, a windshield car replacement is the only way forward. Avoid taking it for minor repairs again as that will waste more money, and will not give you the desired result.
Remember, repair only offers a cosmetic solution. In no way does it improve the structural integrity of the windshield. Therefore, let a reliable windshield expert gauge the amount of damage, and undertake a replacement if they feel that the windshield’s tenacity is compromised.
Incorrect Installation
Many car owners don’t seem to realise that a windshield replacement is a one-time investment that serves you well for years to come. To save a few bucks on windshield replacement cost, they get their windshield installed from a shoddy garage. You must not make the same mistake! A sloppily installed windshield compromises your safety and is more prone to cracking or shattering.
If you have been a victim of improper installation, it is time to opt for a windshield car replacement. Remember that a poorly installed windshield cannot be repaired. Look for a seasoned and reputed auto glass replacement specialist and make sure they offer an extended warranty on workmanship.
Tips to Choose the Right Windshield Expert
Before you shortlist and book an appointment with an auto glass repair specialist, make sure to perform the following background checks.
Check for Reviews
In the age of the internet, one online search can cough up countless customer reviews for any given windshield car replacement service. It would help if you used this to your advantage before zeroing in on a windshield service provider. Furthermore, tap into the word-of-mouth network by talking to your friends and colleagues who have recently got a windshield repair or replacement done to figure out a suitable auto glass replacement expert.
Check for Warranty
This is perhaps one of the most critical things you must check before handing over your vehicle for repairs or replacement. Choose a windshield car replacement service provider that offers an extended warranty on workmanship. This assurance must be separate from the part guarantee. A workmanship warranty showcases the confidence of a service provider. If you are thinking of hiring a glass expert that does not offer any craftsmanship warranty, move along!
Check for Technician Training
Before finalising a windshield car replacement expert, ask them the following two questions – How long have their technicians been on the job? And, have they received any specialised training or are they certified? Remember, an auto glass repair and replacement company is only as good as its technicians.
Check for Material Quality
Windshield replacement costs more than repairs, which is why you must be sure of the quality of the product that you are purchasing. Discuss the windshield brand the glass expert will use for replacement. Check out the reviews of that particular brand online. If you are not satisfied with the windscreen brand, without second thoughts, find a new car glass company.
Over to You
Now that you know when to replace your automotive windshield, and how to select the right people to do it, don’t wait before it’s too late!
Are you looking for a true-blue windshield car replacement service provider to replace your vehicle’s windshield? If yes, then turn to AIS Windshield Experts! We are India’s leading automotive glass care network with 90+ centres in over 50+ cities. Our team of professionally trained technicians uses top-of-the-line tools, offers a quick turnaround time, and coaches you on the dos and don’ts of maintaining your automotive windshield. We boast of high service quality and therefore provide a one-year written warranty on workmanship and materials used.
We also understand that you don’t always have the time to drive into one of our nearest car glass shop. Therefore, we are fully-equipped to offer our services at your place of convenience. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up the phone and give us a call on our toll-free number – 1800-102-6364 - to receive an expert consultation for windshield car replacement services today! Get in touch.
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